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Writer's pictureTim Laseke


CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 6:05 PM; the Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all who were present.

ROLL CALL: The following Commissioners were present: Jeff Jones, Katherine Schauer, Tim Laseke, Kevin Kubacki and Keith Hammitt.

Others at the meeting were Kathy Aron of Aron & Associates, who is a paid consultant for the District, James Scharl and Brian Suffern who are potential vendors for the Sonar weed treatment project.

STATEMENT OF PUBLIC NOTICE: Katherine Schauer stated that she has posted the notice and agenda for the meeting at the Police Station, Muskego Public Library, and Muskego City Hall. All postings were made prior to 24 hours before the meeting thereby satisfying state requirements for Open Meeting Notice.

DISTRICT ENTITY STATUS: Jeff Jones reported that the Lake Denoon Lake District is incorporated as a non-stock, non-profit Wisconsin corporation which is exempt from federal and state tax. Jeff additionally reported that a bank relationship and account were established with JP Morgan Chase as well as Lake Denoon Lake District General Liability Insurance was established with David Schuppler Associates.

TREASURER'S REPORT: Jeff Jones reported that 99 members paid the Association Fee out of 118 or 84% including the Hart Park Association and the Denoon Lake Association.

Previous Balance


Income (Association Fees)



Minute Press-Annual Meeting Mailer


Aron and Associate- Consultant


New Balance


SONAR PROPOSAL REVIEW VENDOR A: James Scharl representing Wisconsin Lakes & Ponds gave an overview of their proposal and answered general questions and specific questions relating to the type and quantity of Flouidone materials planned. Kathy Arons led questioning on behalf of the District. Kathy expressed concern in using the liquid form of the chemical with regard to its potential damaging effect on native (non-targeted) plant species. James stated that this should not be a concern and that the parts-per-billion curve is within the DNR preferred guidelines. Nevertheless, the board requested and James committed to delivering a follow-up quote on the price per applied pound of granular Sonar1 and requote using all granular material.

WI CHAPTER 33 REQUIREMENTS REVIEW: Kathy Arons gave an overview of WI Statute 33 responsibilities and obligations of the District including meeting frequency, meeting notice, and reporting.

WEBSITE & EMAIL UPDATE: Tim Laseke presented a working draft of a new website for the District and Association. There are currently four domains registered and operational for the District including:,, and Laseke asked that the commissioners review the website and provide any feedback.

Watershed Management: Tim Laseke motioned that a Watershed Committee be formed to evaluate the SEWRPC report and make recommendation to the board as to which SEWRPC initiatives are feasible for the District to pursue. Jeff Jones seconded the motion and the motion carried. A request for participation in the new committee will be advertised in an email and on the new website.

Water Quality Monitoring: Kathy Arons confirmed that water quality data is a generally good idea and maybe required for future projects such as Alum treatment. Kathy overviewed some of the potential service providers including the USGS which is used by neighboring Wind Lake. Kathy suggested that the lake participate in the DNR’s Citizen Lake Monitoring Network program. Tim Laseke reported that several members already participate in this program with Secchi Disk readings and we will apply for chemical monitoring when eligible next year.

DNR Meeting Prep: Kathy Arons confirmed that the board is generally well prepared to meet with the DNR in November regarding the Sonar treatment project. The SEWRPC recommends this type of program to combat invasive lake plants and the DNR has been generally receptive to Fluridone projects with adequate plans and monitoring.

Sonar Vendor B Review: Brian Suffern representing Marine Biochemists Services gave an overview of their proposal and answered questions.

Next Meeting Date: The next meeting of District Commissioners is scheduled for January 28th, 2019.

New Business: Tim Laseke made a call to discuss any other District business. No new items were brought forward.

Adjourn: A motion to conclude the meeting was passed at approximately 8:30pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Schauer

Secretary - Lake Denoon Lake District

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