When: Held on Monday, August 31, 2020 @ 6:00PM
Where: Virtual Meeting Teleconference
URL: https://bit.ly/3in5kKi;
Zoom Webinar ID: 898 2317 8958 Passcode: 685771
CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL/STATEMENT OF PUBLIC NOTICE/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: The following Commissioners were present: Jeff Jones, Katherine Schauer, Tim Laseke, and Kevin Kubacki. Not attending was Keith Hammit. The meeting notice, agenda and proposed budget was sent to electors via USPO at least fourteen days prior to the meeting and posted in at least three public places at least 24 hours prior to the meeting which satisfies WI statutes governing lake districts and open meetings. The US Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all present.
LDAA STATUS: A decision was made by the LDAA Board of Directors to dissolve the association. The required paperwork was filed with the State of Wisconsin and the LDAA was formally dissolved. One outstanding item is the LDAA treasury of $11,700 and by majority vote, the board elected to donate the money to the LDLD. The $11,700 is featured below in the budget section.
PROJECTS REPORT (LAKE AND WATERSHED): Tim informed the attendees that all notes and documents about the Lake Denoon Lake District projects are found at www.LDLD.org and if you sign up, you receive notification of new posts.
Tim Laseke presented the status of the current lake monitoring and Sonar weed treatment programs. (The presentation as well as the video replay of the entire meeting are posted on www.LDLD.org.)
Boat Launches via Clean Boat Clean Water (CBCW) program – During 2020, we applied for and received approval for a matching grant of up to $8,000 from the State of Wisconsin to staff the two boat launches and monitor boats for invasive plant species. It was decided to postpone the project until 2021 due to Covid-19. The 2021 budget includes grant money to resume the CBCW program with monitoring a single boat launch.
Other Monitoring Programs: There are several other monitoring programs including a tributary (WAV) and a lake monitoring via CLMN program. Both have been suspended or delayed due to various reasons. Also, Tim discussed new construction site monitoring to identify erosion issues.
Sonar Weed Treatment:
This $51K project was approved at the 2018 annual meeting. The weed treatment targeted Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM) and Curly Leaf Pondweed (CLP). The project was largely successful in controlling EWM and CLP. A subsequent Point-Intercept Survey indicates complete control of EWM but also a decline in all submerged plant species with increased algae. Update: The plant survey has been completed by our vendor Marine Biochemists. The full report can be found on our website here.
What’s Next to Address Water Quality:
Clear water equals higher property value. This was supported by several studies cited by Tim Laseke. He went on to explain that water clarity is directly related to absence of free-floating algae. The algae level in the water is directly proportional to the bioavailable phosphorus. Bottom-line: To improve water quality, we need to fight the amount of phosphorus already in the lake. Tim reviewed the lake science around phosphorus – source, accumulation and watershed runoff control, bioavailability and need to promote “good” plants to lock up phosphorus.
Options to Reduce Phosphorus. We have two options – remove or sequester phosphorus. The SEWRPC report suggests two tactical approaches: 1. build a treatment plant to remove phosphorus or 2. use aluminum sulphate (Alum) liquid treatment to lock up phosphorus. Treatment plant option is a multi-year and very expensive option. The Alum treatment option is a two-year, lower cost and safe treatment option.
A Possible Alum Treatment Plan was presented with the recommendation to write a grant to support the treatment plan – conduct study in 2021, first treatment 2022 and second treatment in 2023.
The current revenue and expenses were reviewed with a year-end surplus of approximately $26,500 and this includes accepting the $11,700 donation. The 2021 budget includes keeping the member assessment fee the same as $220 plus notable items such as $11,700 for Alum study and $15K for spot weed treatment.
How long is the Sonar treatment supposed to last? Last up to 3 seasons with 80% control. This year we are at 90% control. So we have another good year and if we need to do spot treatments in the future, we can address this.
What about a weed cutter option to control phosphorus? Weed cutters have pros and cons. It has a short-term cosmetic fix yet leaves plant fragments that tend to spread plant growth around. We can talk about it in the future.
If we do Alum, will we have to do Sonar again? Yes. We will always need to address invasive species and control phosphorus.
Does the Waters of Denoon pay the $220 special assessment fee? Yes. Once the property is under construction, the owner pays.
Has the LDLD consider raising the special assessment fee? We need to get more information down the line and see what grants we can get from the State of Wisconsin before we increase special assessment fees.
What do the Hart Drive members that share lake frontage/pier pay for assessment fee? We don’t know exactly right now but we'll confirm. It is a percentage of the assessment fee. Update: These entities share riparian rights among multiple properties and therefore are charged more than a regular tax-key: Denoon Estates (north shore channel) = $660 or 3x Southeast Lake Denoon Homeowners Association (Hart Drive) = $440 or 2x
VOTE TO APPROVE 2021 BUDGET: Tim sent out a survey for the attendees to cast their vote to approve the 2020 budget. 19 affirmatives and no nays were collected and the 2021 budget adoption resolution was passed.
ELECTION OF COMMISSIONERS: We have one vacancy to fill. Kathy Schauer’s commissioner position is up for election. We need to have an in-person vote to satisfy legal requirements. Until such an election is possible, we are able to have a board-appointed acting commissioner. Kathy Schauer has agreed to continue her service as an acting commissioner in the interim. We do have members that expressed interest in becoming a commissioner.
August 30, 2021 at 6:00 pm CST is the date for the next annual meeting.
Tim Laseke motioned to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Jeff Jones and the adjournment was unanimously passed .
Respectfully submitted,
Katherine Schauer
Secretary - Lake Denoon Lake District