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Writer's pictureNancy Long

LDLD Q4 2022 Newsletter

The holidays are over and the new year has begun. Some LDLD activities continued well into the fall of 2022. Here are the 4th quarter updates and a look forward into 2023 from the LDLD Board of Commissioners

Alum Project

For 2023, the board has agreed to submit an application for a WDNR Surface Water grant to fund the Alum project. On October 27, Tim Laseke met with Jay Michels, EOR, and Heidi Bunk, WDNR, for the final review of our grant application. Based on suggestions from that meeting, we strengthened our application and submitted it by the November 15th deadline. We have received feedback that our “cost containment measures” have been accepted by the WDNR which is the first hurdle.

The WDNR will announce the grant awards approximately February 15, 2023.

Once we hear back from the WDNR, a “special” membership meeting may be needed to discuss the project in more detail. If a special meeting is necessary, a meeting notification will be sent to all LDLD members via USPS in the March/April timeframe. Meeting notification will also be posted on the LDLD website.

Clean Boats Clean Water (CBCW)

The LDLD CBCW watercraft inspection program for 2022 has ended. During the year, 4 boat inspectors spent 200 hours performing boat and trailer checks and educating boaters on how to prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species at the Denoon Park boat launch. During the summer, our boat inspectors talked with 199 people. There were 89 boats launched and of those boats, 9 boats had been on other lakes in less than 5 days prior. This program is made possible by a 75% matching grant from the WDNR.

The board unanimously approved and submitted a CBCW grant application for 2023 and will be soliciting for paid inspectors this spring. With the finding of Starry Stonewort, the board is looking into implementing the CBCW program at the Hart Drive launch.

Denoon Road Spillway

The LDLD and the city of Muskego received a copy of the report from the surveyor. The elevation of the spillway height is nearly identical to the survey done in 1967. So in 50+ years there has been no change in the height of the concrete dam. No further actions will be taken at this time.

Starry Stonewort

The board has created a sub-committee to investigate our options to address the finding of SSW in Lake Denoon. The sub-committee has met with members of the WI DNR and is actively putting our plan together. In addition, we are gathering cost estimates for our plan in order to submit an AIS Rapid Response Grant application to obtain funds for 2023.

Mechanical Harvesting Project

Mechanical harvesting of Curly-Leaf Pondweed in early spring has been recommended by Heidi Bunk to strengthen and support our Alum project grant application and to improve lake health. The WI DNR has approved our permit which is valid for 5 years. The board has selected a vendor and an appropriate location to deposit the harvested CLP. The board will be working with the vendor to schedule a harvesting date in spring 2023.

Fall 2022 Member Survey Results

A survey was sent out in October to gather information from the members that hire someone to put in and/or take out boats or boat lifts. The data will be used to understand how many different vendors are used and is there an opportunity to partner with vendors to implement WDNR decontamination procedures and prevent the spread of aquatic invasive plants such as Eurasian Milfoil, Curly Leaf Pondweed and Starry Stonewort. A summary of the results is available on the website Under the “News” tab.

LDLD Member Survey in Q1 2023

The board is creating a member survey that will go out via email in early 2023. The purpose of the survey is to provide the board feedback on the interests and priorities of our members.

Free Fishing Weekends

The WDNR has designated January 21 & 22 and June 3 & 4 as “Free Fishing Weekends” in 2023. For more information, visit the Wisconsin DNR website.

Denoon Road Dredging

Last summer, a vehicle lost control, crashed into a dock, and landed in the waterway. The vehicle was removed but to make sure no debris remained in the lake, dredging was recommended. The affected Riparian obtained a WDNR permit for dredging an approximately 50 foot wide and out 90 feet area, estimating a total of 325 cubic yards. The expectation was to remove an average of 2 feet of sediment and any possible remaining debris. This work was completed in December.

2023 LDLD Annual Membership Meeting

Mark your calendars for Monday, August 28 at 6PM. The official announcement, location and agenda will be sent via USPS to all LDLD members in August.

Have a question, comment or are interested in volunteering?

Contact the LDLD Board of Commissioners at

For more information on these and other LDLD topics, visit website. Register on the Members page to get emailed updates on all new posts.

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