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Writer's pictureTim Laseke

2022-04-27 Lake Denoon Lake District Board Meeting Minutes

Date: April 27, 2022 - 6:00pm

Location: Virtual Meeting via Google Meet


  1. Call to Order / Roll Call / Meeting Notice Statement

    1. Commissioners Present: Kathy Schauer, Jeff Jones, Nancy Long, Kevin Kubacki, Kyle Troeger, Tim Laseke, Larry Bangs, and guest Robert Stollenwerk

    2. Special Guests: Tom Zagar, Conservation Coordinator / City Forester, City of Muskego

  2. Pledge of Allegiance

    1. All present participated in the recital.

  3. Approve 3/16/22 Board Meeting Minutes: Kevin motion to approve, Nancy seconds the motion and then all approved.

  4. Projects

    1. Alum

      1. Tim contacted Cheryl Clemens of Harmony Environmental who was the principal grant writer for the 2022 funded Alum project at Balsam Lake in Polk County. Cheryl, although not inclined to offer advice, and who is not accepting new clients, did advise that Alum grants will not be awarded without active watershed management.

      2. Tim reviewed, as he did at the previous board meeting, the spreadsheet concerning the grant weighting, scores, and comments.

      3. Tim had a call with Joe Pallardy of EOR. Joe said that EOR will be flexible with help with the grant resubmission. He suggests we at least get some volunteers to measure flow, turbidity, and take water samples in both tributaries throughout this season. Additionally, we should petition Heidi Bunk to answer questions relative to the grant application process and improvement. Tim will draft an email and have Joe Pallardy review and then forward to Heidi.

      4. Action: Tom Zagar, Conservation Coordinator / City Forester, City of Muskego offered to review the Alum Grant Proposal and provide any direction to the board.

    2. CBCW

      1. Nancy included program details in the recent Q1 newsletter.

      2. Member Sharon Sellhausen and former 2021 inspector JT Brandstatter have expressed interest via email

      3. Tim reviewed the position description, application, and 1099 agreement documents.

      4. Tim will post on the website and by separate email to the members and friends email groups in order to elicit new inspectors.

      5. Tim will put a schedule together and include Kyle and Jeff to help monitor the inspectors to ensure they stay for the full shift.

    3. WAV

      1. Tim and Linda Laseke attended the online WAV refresher course on 4/26/22.

      2. As each monitoring event takes about 4 hours of labor, and we have two main tributaries to monitor, we are looking for volunteer help.

    4. CLMN

      1. Tim reported that he and his wife will again run this program making measurements every 8 days from May through October.

      2. Tim will seek a replacement temperature meter and chemicals for this year’s monitoring.

    5. Harvesting

      1. Tim reported that farmer Tom Greil of Waterford has agreed to take our harvested aquatic plant material which we may deposit at our convenience.

      2. Tim reported that Midwest Aquatics will charge $500 to develop the required WDNR permit application.

      3. Tim made a motion to accept the proposal of Midwest Aquatics with a max hours cap of 55. The motion was seconded by Jeff and all approved.

      4. The Harvest target start date is May 2022.

      5. Tim offered to attempt the application draft and review with the vendor prior to WDNR submission.

    6. Fish Stocking

      1. Tim reported that he confirmed with Bob Kargl that the $5K fish stocking donation remains valid and Bob is okay with being identified as a benefactor.

      2. Tim reported that the required walleye species is ‘Mississippi Headwaters’ and that Central Waters Fish Farm in Stevens Point, WI can do the stocking for $2 / fish.

  5. Social Event

    1. Nancy advertised the 5/17/22 event in the Q1 2022 newsletter which was published on 4/22. A separate email reminder is planned…

    2. Nancy reported that a final price per person was negotiated with Coach’s at $12.50 per person with a cash bar

    3. Nancy has procured name tags and Sharpies for the event at a cost of $31.63.

  6. Financial Report

    1. Jeff reported that there have been no bank transactions since our last board meeting with the same account balance of $29,129.47.

    2. Jeff reported that he is expecting a check in the amount of $43,050 from the City of Muskego for the Waukesha County portion of our special assessment.

    3. Jeff mentioned that he intends to pay an EOR invoice in the amount of $1,931.55 for work done in October 2021 relative to grant preparation and submission.

  7. Revised Budget

    1. Tim reviewed the current budget/balance sheet. Actual revenue and expenses have not changed since the last board meeting.

    2. Tim review the projected budget which excludes the Alum project.

  8. New Business

    1. Wetlands around Denoon Park

      1. Tom Zagar from the City of Muskego reported on Waters of Denoon foliage cutdown in the wetlands area on the property. The Waters of Denoon has not responded to questions about the project. Tom will continue to ask questions of the Waters of Denoon about intended reasons for the cutting. Doesn’t seem to be impacting the wetlands habitat. Suggesting the need to have a wetlands habitat management plan that would improve the water quality.

    2. Larry Bangs replacing Keith Hammitt on LDLD board

      1. Larry Bangs introduced himself

    3. Plant Survey

      1. Tim discussed the need for a 2022 Plant Survey. Tim will present a proposal for the survey. Expecting a survey cost $4K- $4.5K.

  9. Adjourn at 7:38 with a motion from Jeff, seconded by Nancy and all approved.

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